Saturday, August 17, 2024

Roger Schmidt is a manager stuck in a rut at Benfica

Benfica Blog
When you look at the Benfica squad, you see talent everywhere. So why does Roger Schmidt choose to ignore it? With a lineup missing wingers and filled with defensive midfielders, it feels like he's driving a sports car in a school zone. Why does this style leave fans scratching their heads?

Florentino, Barreiro and Aursnes might be good players, but cramming them into the starting eleven is like packing sardines into a can. The balance is off. Schmidt relies heavily on defensive midfielders, which stifles creativity and risks turning the game into a tedious affair. Like a movie with no plot twist, the matches can become predictable, leaving fans bored and even frustrated.

Benfica did get the win today in their home opener at the Luz but it took them 70 minutes to open the scoring today and 160 minutes to score their first goal of the season but this only happened when Schmidt inserted winger Tiago Gouveia and attacking midfielder Orkun Kokcu into the game. This changed the dynamics of the attack and it powered the club to a 3-0 victory over Casa Pia.

Someone needs to tell Schmidt that wingers are essential for an attacking team. They add width and speed, stretching the opponent's defense thin. Yet, here we are, watching Benfica start games without anyone to whip in a cross or run down the flank. Instead of unleashing attacking plays, the team seems stuck in an up and down seesaw affair.

In today’s football world, creativity is key. With a setup that lacks flair and spontaneity, Benfica's attack can look lifeless. You start to wonder: Is it the players or the strategy? When players are meticulous with their passes but nothing ever seems to turn into a shot on goal, it feels like they’re trapped in a never-ending loop of passing drills at practice.

Benfica fans expect more than just solid defending; they crave excitement and goals. A team with so much potential shouldn’t be stuck playing it safe. It is not hard to see that Roger Schmidt seems more concerned with keeping his job then he is at actually playing to win games against the leagues minnows.

In the grand scheme of things, Schmidt’s approach might just confuse fans more than anything else. By overlooking the vital role of wingers and loading up on defensive midfielders, he's limiting the team's ability to attack. If Benfica wants to thrive, it’s time for a fresh outlook—a strategy that embraces offensive play and captures the spirit of the fans.

We are just two games into the season and although some of the players have changed, the coach remains an anchor holding this team back. It might just be time to throw him over board and keep steering the ship towards our goals without him.

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