Friday, September 13, 2024

Bruno Lage has a plan for Fredrik Aursnes

Benfica Blog
Frederik Aursnes has become a player that many football fans are keen to watch, and for good reason. Under former head coach Roger Schmidt, Aursnes showcased his skills in various positions on the field, making a significant impact. Now, with Bruno Lage at the helm, Aursnes is ready for a new chapter that promises to be just as exciting.

When Roger Schmidt took charge at Benfica, he saw something unique in Frederik Aursnes. Instead of confining the midfielder to just one spot, Schmidt shifted Aursnes around to exploit his versatility. Aursnes played as a central midfielder, attacking midfielder, and even filled in on the wing. This allowed him to contribute in multiple ways, helping the team adapt to different challenges on the pitch.

Using Aursnes in various roles gave the team a tactical advantage. Why limit a player with so much potential? Schmidt understood that by experimenting, he could unleash Aursnes’ creativity and energy, turning him into a key asset. Whether breaking up opposition plays or launching fast counter-attacks, Aursnes thrived under this fluid system.

With the arrival of Bruno Lage, fans wonder how Aursnes will fit into the new game plan. Lage is known for his structured approach to football, focusing on solid formations and clear tactical roles. Even though his style differs from Schmidt’s flexible tactics, Lage recognizes Aursnes' capabilities and has plans to maximize them.

By putting Aursnes in a slightly more defined role, Lage aims to create a balance between structure and creativity. He’s likely to utilize Aursnes in midfield, where he can orchestrate the play while still having the freedom to make those dynamic runs. Picture a conductor leading an orchestra—Aursnes can set the rhythm while also producing stunning solos.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that both Schmidt and Lage recognized the potential in Frederik Aursnes. His adaptability is a treasure for any coach. Fans should keep an eye on him this season, as he may just surprise everyone with his growth under Lage. The combination of tactical awareness and raw skill could elevate Aursnes to new heights.

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